German Grade Calculator

Estimate your chances at top German universities instantly with our calculator.

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Frequently asked questions

1. What is the German Grading System?

The German grading system uses a 5-point scale to evaluate academic performance, ranging from 1 (excellent) to 5 (insufficient/unqualified).

2. How do I convert my grade to the German Grading System?

You can use the Modified Bavarian formula to convert your grades or use the Nikshala German Grading Calculator.

3. Are ECTS and German Grades the same?

No, ECTS is the European Credit Transfer System for calculating academic credits, while the German Grading System converts grades from your home country to German grades. Calculate your ECTS here.

4.Why should I convert my grades to the German Grading System?

Converting your grades helps you understand university requirements better and aids in the application process.

German Grade


Estimate your chances at top German universities instantly with our calculator.

Products to help in your german application

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University Shortlist


Frequently Asked Questions

1. What is the German Grading System?

The German grading system uses a 5-point scale to evaluate academic performance, ranging from 1 (excellent) to 5 (insufficient/unqualified).

2. How do I convert my grade to the German Grading System?

You can use the Modified Bavarian formula to convert your grades or use the Nikshala German Grading Calculator.

3. Are ECTS and German Grades the same?

No, ECTS is the European Credit Transfer System for calculating academic credits, while the German Grading System converts grades from your home country to German grades. Calculate your ECTS here.

4.Why should I convert my grades to the German Grading System?

Converting your grades helps you understand university requirements better and aids in the application process.




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